KOSTRZEWA Lihting Lily Li



Lily Lihting Li Kostrzewa is an artist who specializes in the East and the West cross-cultural contemporary painting. Lily was born in 1965 in the Taiwan. After receiving her fine art degree from National Taiwan Normal University she immigrated to USA in 1990. Through a lifetime of learning in different art media, she has a resume of earned academics, such as a MFA degree in Modern Painting, a MA degree in Computer Graphics, a BFA degree in Chinese Art as well as an Art Teaching degree. She utilizes many techniques from both the eastern and western art to enrich her painting. She also has a deep concern for humanity and true love for nature. Through her senses she creates art to express life’s journey as well as the beauty of nature. Her color is expressive from the influence of study in German Expressionism, and her ink-like brush strokes on her painting is deep rooted in her Chinese culture and the years of training in Chinese Art. Her artwork has been exhibited in Taiwan, Austria, Canada, Greece and many states in the USA. Many of her artwork has been published including such books as the International Dictionary of Artists, the Art in America Annual Guide, International Contemporary artists, Toronto East Community Art Project as well as Worldnews.com. Lily has created paintings and design for private and public settings for many individuals, businesses and organizations, including the Pier 1 Imports headquarters, Ft. Worth, Texas, Spectrum Inc. Chicago and Hwalien Harbor State Park, Taiwan. Lily has taught painting and workshops in colleges, public schools and community art centers, including Lake Forest College, Central Michigan University and Marywood University in America.


Lily Li Lihting Kostrzewa è un artista specializzata in pittura contemporanea interculturale tra Oriente e Occidente. Lily è nato nel 1965 in Taiwan. Dopo aver conseguito la laurea in belle arti alla National Taiwan Normal University, è emigrata in USA nel 1990. Ha conseguito una laurea MFA in Pittura Moderna, un Master in Computer Graphics, una laurea BFA in Arte Cinese, nonché una Laurea Magistrale. Arricchisce la sua pittura usando sia tecniche orientali sia tecniche occidentali. Concentrandosi sui sensi, cerca di esprimere attraverso l’arte, il viaggio della vita così come la bellezza della natura. Influenzata dall’Espressionismo tedesco, di cui si ritrovano le pennellate, e dall’arte cinise, indentificabile nell’uso dell’inchiostro. Le sue opere sono state esposte a Taiwan, Austria, Canada, Grecia e negli Stati Uniti. Molte delle sue opere sono state pubblicate anche in libri come il Dizionario Internazionale degli Artisti, nella Guida annuale dell'Arte d’America, Artisti Contemporanei Internazionali, Toronto East Community Art Project e Worldnews.com. Lily ha creato dipinti e progetti di design per ambienti privati e pubblici per molti individui, imprese e organizzazioni, tra cui il quartier generale Pier 1 Imports, Ft. Worth, in Texas, Spectrum Inc. Chicago e Hwalien Harbor State Park, Taiwan. Lily ha insegnato pittura e svolto seminari in università, scuole pubbliche e centri d'arte della community, compreso Lake Forest College, Central Michigan University e Marywood Università in America.


Quotazione delle opere in via di definizione.

Estratto dalla produzione artistica:

Sleeping Nude Sitting Nude Recling Nude Lying Nude
Accademia Alexandros
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